Aims, Objectives and Values

A not-for-profit organisation working with women, expectant parents and their families during pregnancy and parenthood.


  • To enable parents-to-be/parents to have access to education, information, practical resources and support during this important time in families’ lives
  • To work proactively to provide equal access to parents or families experiencing social exclusion or inequality
  • To enable and encourage parents-to-be/parents to develop supportive networks which sustain and strengthen family and community relationships
  • To involve parents/parents-to-be in the running of the Centre


  • Developing programmes of classes, drop-in sessions, support groups and workshops which meet parents-to-be and parents’ needs
  • Providing resources and practical help such as a library, demonstrations about real nappies/slings, equipment hire eg. birthing pools, maternity and baby clothes nearly new sales
  • Working to increase access to our services by running outreach sessions for a range of different communities.
  • Supporting individual parents through one to one work and counselling
  • Providing opportunities for parents to develop friendship networks and feel part of a community of support through Drop-in sessions, group support, helping with fund-raising events and volunteering in the Centre.

Our Values

  • People make the best choices for themselves and their families when they have balanced and comprehensive information, non-judgemental support and confidence in themselves.
  • Normal birth and breastfeeding should be supported where possible.
  • Parents’ different circumstances and choices around birth and parenting should be respected.
  • Supportive networks and a sense of community is invaluable during the transition from pregnancy to parenthood and contributes to positive mental health and wellbeing.