Breastfeeding Clinics in Lothian

The NHS Lothian website has details about the various NHS clinics in Lothian, which run most days.

The site also has information about peer breastfeeding supporters, other breastfeeding support groups, breastfeeding support helplines and organisations including La Leche League (LLL). Helplines are available seven days a week and the LLL helpline is available 24 hours each day.

National Breastfeeding Helplines are staffed by women who have breastfed their own baby. They have had special training to help with breastfeeding problems over the phone. They:

  • offer expert information and suggestions for help with problem situations
  • are available 7 days a week
  • will refer you to local BF groups and counsellors where available
  • provide telephone follow-up if you wish.

24 hours
La Leche League
0845 120 2918

9.30 am – 9.30 pm
The Breastfeeding Network
0300 100 0210

9.30 am – 9.30 pm
National Breastfeeding Helpline
0300 100 0212

8.00 am – 10.00 pm
National Childbirth Trust
0300 330 0771

The La Leche League breastfeeding group meets at our Centre on the second Friday at 10.30-12.30, and LLL counsellors in Edinburgh can be contacted between meetings.  You can find more details about the groups here  or on their website